CITY—Amid the pork barrel scam faced by lawmakers, Bulacan Gov. Wilhelmino
Alvarado offered a way out by proposing the shift to a “pork-free” government.
In his speech before thousands who attended the commemoration of the
115th anniversary of the opening of the Malolos Congress here on Sunday,
Alvarado said it is about time the country considered a shift to a
parliamentary form of government.
explained that the first Philippine Government created by the Malolos Congress
115 years ago was a unicameral parliamentary government. “For decades we have
seen and experienced a presidential form of government with bicameral Congress,
and we end up in pork barrel controversy,” he said in an interview.
added that controversial pork barrel scam will be totally eliminated noting
that budget will be allocated in government institutions that will implement
programs and projects.
will be a pork-free government because programs and projects will be
implemented according to approved plans,” Alvarado said.
said that cabinet secretaries in a parliamentary form of government will
actually come from the parliament.
can strengthen our government institutions by changing our form of government
from bicameral to unicameral parliamentary,” he said.
this developed, Senate President Franklin Drilon said that they have not
consider possibilities of a charter change. He said that it may not be time for
charter change because the government is still facing many problems like the
pork barrel scam and Zamboanga crisis.
Drilon said that decision for charter change depends on the people. “Let’s have
the people to decide on what form of government they want,” he said in
said republic is considered as the first democratic republic to be established
in Asia. Dino Balabo